After seeing cinnamon rolls popping up everywhere on my Pinterest feed, I finally succumbed to the desire and attempted to try making it myself! I don’t use yeast very often, so thinking about making these rolls was slightly intimidating. Fortunately, I stumbled upon an easy recipe that you can make under an hour from aevrie cooks. I added a little twist by adding chocolate powder in addition to the cinnamon to jazz it up a little. Although they were pretty delicious, I am thinking of trying again with letting the dough rise overnight and seeing if it taste more like a guilty pleasure (ie cinnabon).

(slightly adapted from Aevrie Cooks,I added a few notes from my own experience and changed some measurements)
- 3 cups all-purpose flour (the recipe originally called for 2 1/2 cups of flour, but I found that I needed significantly more than that)
- 1 cup buttermilk, warmed to manufacturer’s directions, see directions
- 2 1/4 teaspoons instant dry yeast (one 1/4-ounce packet, I use Red Star Platinum)
- 2 tablespoons canola or vegetable oil
- 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
- 1/4 teaspoon salt, optional and to taste
- 1/2 cup unsalted butter (1 stick), very soft
- 1/3 cup granulated sugar
- 1/3 cup light brown sugar, packed
- 3 tablespoons cinnamon
- 1 tablespoon chocolate powder (hot chocolate would also be a fun addition!)
- 4 ounces cream cheese, very soft (light cream cheese may be substituted, but it’s runnier and you may want to skip the cream)
- about 2 cups confectioners’ sugar
- about 2 to 3 tablespoons heavy whipping cream
- Preheat oven to 350F. Lightly grease or spray with cooking oil a 9-inch pie dish (I used a skillet)
- Dough – To the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook (or large mixing bowl and hand-knead), combine all dough ingredients and knead for about 7 minutes, or until dough is soft, smooth, and has come together in a firm mass. If hand-kneading, you may need to knead a few minutes longer. Note – Based brand of yeast used, buttermilk temperature will vary. Red Star Platinum yeast calls for a warmer temperature than most, 120 to 130F; other brands are much lower, about 95 to 105F. Warm buttermilk according to the yeast manufacturer’s recommendations on the packaging. This takes about 1 minute in a glass measuring cup in my microwave. Taking the temperature with a digital thermometer is recommended, but if you’re not, make sure the water is warm, not hot. Err on the cooler rather than hotter side so you don’t kill the yeast. I didn’t have a thermometer, so I just crossed my fingers and hoped for the best :P. Note – Dough should be smooth, not overly sticky, and fairly easy to handle. If your dough is very wet, moist, sticky, or gloppy, add flour in 1 tablespoon increments until it comes together easily.
- Turn dough out onto a Silpat-lined or cooking sprayed work surface.
- Using a rolling pin, roll dough into a rectangle that’s approximately 9×14 inches. Use a 9×13 pan and just eyeball it so the dough is a little longer than the pan.
- Filling – Spread butter in an even layer over the surface of the dough, leaving about 1/4-inch margins around edges; set aside.
- In a small bowl, add sugars, cinnamon, and stir to combine. Evenly sprinkle mixture over the buttered dough.
- Starting with the 14-inch side, roll dough up into a tight log.
- Make approximately 1-inch slices using plain (not mint) waxed or unwaxed dental floss. It’s the best way to slice rolls so they don’t get squished and lopsided. Since I felt weird about using floss, I just cut it with an extremely sharp knife which also worked.
- Place rolls into prepared pan(s).
- Bake for about 20 minutes, or until cooked through and set. I baked for about 23 minutes. Watch rolls closely so you don’t burn them. The dough is so white and will fool you into thinking it’s still raw when it’s not. Rolls continue to firm up as they cool. While rolls bake, make the frosting.
- Frosting -Combine all frosting ingredients in a medium mixing bowl, and beat with an electric mixer or by hand with a whisk until smooth and combined. Based on desired frosting consistency, you may need to play with the sugar and cream ratios slightly.
- Apply frosting to rolls as desired.
Thanks for the easy recipe Aevrie Cooks!